Everyone who uses ANY social media platform really would be wise to watch The Social Dilemma currently on Netflix... But, what’s really on my mind has to do with the term “social distancing”! Please stop using/saying this term! It is designed to tear us apart. “Physical distancing” is a far more accurate term for what we are asked and mandated to do! Call “social distancing” what it really is... “Social destruction”. We humans need socialising, whether we like it or not! My acupuncturist told me today that by not socialising we are creating the feels of depression, anxiety, and anger! I believe her! Words are powerful, they are actually things! So, one must be mindful of what words really mean when one uses terms such as “social distancing”.
“Be careful of the words you speak, keep them soft and sweet. Because you never know from day to day, which ones you’ll have to eat.”